We all tell ourselves that if only ... our lives would be much better. What is your if only? Will you let that lead your life, trying to get that if only? Or will you realize what you do have and what you've been endowed with and bring that to fruition?
Genuine encouragement is a rare commodity. Learning to provide it is highly valuable. Truly standing by another's side in their time of need isn't accomplished verbally. It's accomplished by actually being there for the other.
The more we resist something the more it persists. What we must come to realize is that behind our resistance is everything we're looking for. We only need to find the courage to stop resisting. Instead of thinking you're right, begin asking, "How do you know you're right?"
Imagine going through your entire life and never finding the courage to show up as the real you. This is my fear. Real courage is taking off our masks, not putting them on.